Tuesday, December 26, 2017



Jerusalem”, the crossroad of empire, battleground of the ages, the city of peace and

 of war. The city where Archaeology uncover the empires of yesterday, The City of

Jerusalem is significant in a number of religious traditions, including the Abrahamic

Religions, Judaism,  Christianity, and Islam. All of these faiths decode their Religious

Prophesies about   Jerusalem.

6th of December,  U.S President Donald Rums Field declare Jerusalem for the capital of

Israel, and also order to move American Embassy to new Israeli Capital, while The

American Embassy and all major European Embassies include Turkish Embassy are

already in Jerusalem.

It was Balfour declaration of 1917 was which cause of the creation of Israel was,

While before this declaration several planes like Uganda Scheme for  Jewish state in

Africa was disapproved, however, Ashkenazi  Jews were agreed for Uganda Scheme

Because they have no religious significance for Jerusalem, Ashkenazi Jews are not

belong to the decedent of “Bane Israel” Diaspora, they are converted to Judaism  in 8th century,

 while Sephardi Jews who disapprove the Uganda Scheme and other  Plans are belonged to historical

Diaspora of “Bane Israel” Sephardi Jews are control Israel Religiously while Ashkenazi Jews 

dominant Israel Politically and Economically.

Ironically from 1948 to 1967’s Arab-Israel War, The  Israelis Border were expanded and shrink 

Parallel, after  1967’s war, Israel defeated three Arab Armies  together, Israel take Jerusalem from

Jordan, the Sinai Desert from Egypt, and Golan Heights from Syria, latter  Israel gave back Golan 

Heights to Syria and Sinai desert to Egypt after Diplomatic  negotiation process, this long-term 

peace talk gave different names like Arab-Israel  Peace talk, Middle East peace Road Map, Ironically 

this Roadmap has only miles stone  of Peace for next battles, it does not have permanent Navigation  

to Peace Destination, particularly all  peace talk and road map produce deadlock on the Jerusalem  

issue, because it is obvious that Israelis can  not compromise on Jerusalem Status and Ashkenazi  

Jews gave surety to Sephardi Jews that they will not compromise on Jerusalem status in any cost, 

hence all Peace Talk, Peace Roadmap and accords end End with “Dead Lock”. That’s why Trump 

say in his speech that “I have determined that I t is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the 

capital of Israel,” Trump said. “While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, 

they failed to deliver. Trump also called Jerusalem is eternal Capital of  Israel,  while the Palestinian 

president, Mahmoud Abbas said that the US had effectively Abdicated its role as a mediator in the 

region. The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb  Erekat, said: “President Trump just destroyed the 

 policy of a two-state solution, while Leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, called for a new intifada.  

After Trump speech, Palestinian Feel that by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal Capital rather 

than leaving the city’s status to be decided as part of final-status Settlement between  Israelis and 

Palestinians, Donald Trump could be plunging a Dagger in Palestinian Dream of establishment 

disputed East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. However, A United Nations General 

Assembly resolution calling for The U.S. to withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's 

capital passed overwhelmingly despite threats from the Trump administration to cut

funding to U.S. aid recipients who voted in favor. One hundred and twenty-eight countries voted for 

the resolution. Nine countries voted against and thirty- five countries abstained, in spite  UN votes 

resoundingly to reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital, security council voting has no 

legal binding Over Jerusalem issue, UN can’t do anything about the Murder of their Mediator  Folke 

Bernadotte in 1948, the later the killer of Mediator became Israeli Prime Minister  Yitzhak Shamir”, 

as far as concern about the legal binding of UN resolutions world remember that USA has not care 

about any International Law and UN for invading Iraq and Afghanistan who couldn’t  stop the USA 

from changing the Jerusalem Statue which was doubtful already.  Another side the response  of 

Muslim and Arab Leaders, Turkish Foreign Minister  Mevlut  Cavusoglu criticized the United  States 

 for "bullying."   Jordan’s King Abdullah, warned of a damaging Backlash, while Saudi  Arabia 

which has  coordinated closely with White House on a new regional peace push, warned that the  

step would  “provoke the sentiments of Muslims throughout the world in light of the great 

importance and the Pivotal of Jerusalem. For Middle East diplomacy Dec, 6 may be remembered as a

day of falling fictions.

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